JUdul Interview dan penelitian
Interview dalam penelitian digambarkan dalam slide research : Conceptual dan Empirical. Bagannya seperti berikut :
Research Question Hypotheses
Lingkupnya : peneliti, konsep, dan data
Pendapat saya tentang konsepsi peneliti dalam pembahasan ini adalah konsep peneliti menulis topik oleh pengguna dan metode refleksi sebagai argumennya.
* type dari penelitian, bagan:
Dalam bagan tersebut dinyatakan kuantitas dan kualitatif merupakan bagian data dari penelitian. Penelitian terbagi menjadi konsep spekulatif dan empiris.
- Contoh kualitas Research, cornerville (white, 1943)
~ Goal : To study the social organization of low-income neighboard,
~ Design : Single case study providing an in depth description of e low-income neighboard of itaalian-Americans in Bostoms,
~ Method : Participant observation, living in the neighboardhood and participating in the subjects’ lives for three and a half years,
~ Results : the gangs are hearirchically organized (and more details).
Dalam Owin Pltoon 2002, karakteristik dari kualitas penelitian, perbedaan antara kualitatif dan kualitas dalam penelitian :
Qualitatif Quantitative
* Design Strategies * Design strategy
- Naturalistic Inquary - Active manipulating
- Emergent design flexibility - Linear design
- Inductive approach - Deductive approach
- Purposfull smpling - Random sampling
- Descriptive - Explanatory
* Data Collection Strategy * Data collection strategy
- Verbal or visual data - Numerical data
- No constraiton measure - Constrain upon meassure
- Focus on process - focus on state
- Sensitive to constecs and historical dimenstion - Standardized situation
- Research instrumen - Standardized interactive
Beberapa catatan saya mengenai interview dalam kuliah umum tersebut
- In most general terms, an interview can be described as an conversation conducted with the purpose of gathering information,
- In the follow respect, however the interview differs from everyday.
Conversation :
- An interview take place in a controlled,
- One of the participants (the interviewer) has more or less scripted lines,
- The other participants (respondent) is supposed to do must of the talking.
Selanjutnya activity, tugasnya berkelompok dibagi menjadi 3 orang diantar teman sebangku dan bertema topik Japan.
Materi selanjutnya adalah bagaimana kita ketika interview?
- if you are interested in the facts, use questions makes etc. with closed-ended questions,
example : When did you start at Sekolah Vokasi?
- If you are interested in understanding the life situation of respondents, their perceptions, reasons, and the meaning they attach to events or actions, use type of interview that permits unconstrained measures
Example : 1. What is it like studying at Sekolah Vokasi?
2. Can you tell me more about why you choose study at Sekolah Vokasi?
3. And what happened after you complained?
Catatan selanjutnya yaitu :
Type of interview according to ….
1. Degree of standardization (degree of freedom for the respondent standardized, semi-standardized, non-standardized),
2. Kind of contact (face to face, telephone, email, etc.),
3. Number of interviewers (one person, tandem, panel),
4. Number of person being interviewed (individual group).
* type of interviews, degree of standardization
1. Standardized all participants are asked the some questions in the some orders,
2. semi standardized (guide interviews),
3. Non standardized (for instance, narrative, biographical).
- Standardized (formal) interview-pressuppositions.
- Research already knows enough about the research topic the be able to ask all the right questions,
- Each questions is equally meaning full to all participants,
- The meaning of each questions is identical for all participants.
Lalu penjelasan tentang “When use which interview?”
- The standardized interview,
- The guide interview,
- The non-standardized and informal interview.
How to devolep an interview guide, example : The use of traditional complementary and alternative medicine in Indonesia.
Which are the concepts and approachs that underlie women’s use of traditional complementary and alternative medicine in Indonesia.
And how to identify relevant subtopics?
- Literatur search and reading (deductive)
- Informal probing conversation with interested other person, experts, etc. (inductive).
How to devolep an interview guide? Example:
1. Subtopics
- Demography information,
- Religion,
- Method of treassment,
- Cultur aspect,
- Social/economic aspect.
How to devolep questions?
- Specify what it is you would like to hear about ….
- Think about how to get at this information!
- What kinds of question would be best! And how should they be phrased?
Aktifitas! Membuat subtopics dari topics bencana gempa dan tsunami Japan!
The narrative interview – general idea
- Personal experiences have the structure of narratives,
- Narratives rest upon natural discourse pattens,
- Narratives show the connection between events,
- Narratives show how public events are personally experienced.
+ to be used however you want to hear people’s stories about an event or about (parts) their lives.
What you do in a narrative interview?
- Other a stimulus questions in which you ask the respondent to tell his/her story about a specific topic,
- Ask as few questions as possible during the narrative just show that you are listening but signalize your understanding,
- Ask your questions once the main narrative has been told,
- Ask about gaps in the story, points that you did not understand,
- Ask about sdditionsl points that are of interest to you.
Kesimpulannya :
- Kita dapat mempelajari bagaimana seorang peneliti yang baik dan metode-metodenya,.
- Teori interview dari sudut pandang orang luar dan metodenya,
- Pertanyaan-pertanyaan yang tepat untuyk menguak suatu masalah,
- Penjabaran sub-topik yang berasal dari yopik yang sama membuat daya analisis bekerja,
- Interview dari berbagai teori dan cara pelaksanaan di lapangan membuat kita bertambah wawasan untuk bias dalam berinterview.
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